Your Place to Connect with God and with People
We're a growing and multicultural Anglican evangelical church in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. Ministering to congregations of every age with English, Cantonese and Mandarin language services.
Worship With Us
We are one church with four diverse congregations that meet on Sundays and throughout the week.
Our congregations are made up of all ages.
We seek to share the good news of God's love, found in Jesus Christ, with those around us, in caring and practical ways.
We'd love to welcome you into our community.
Upcoming Events
St Tom's Hope is an organisation started by members of St Tom's for the purpose of providing help to people in serious need in the cities of Whitehorse and Monash. This is achieved by mobilising the gifts of members of St Tom's, other churches and people of goodwill in our local community.
Our aim is to make disciple-making disciples of Christ for the glory of God!
This website provides ideas to stimulate thinking and discussion so you can develop evangelism on your campus! The plan is to keep posting ideas, new and old, so staff and students can read, react, devise and implement new outreach activities suitable for their campus in their current context.
Ask a question, share a story, or sign up for updates.
44 Station St, Burwood VIC 3125, Australia
(03) 9808 3250